Why are some people successful and others are not?

1SHell-and-Luke-First-PlaceAs a business coach and professional speaker, I am often asked, “Why are some people successful and others are not?” I typically give a simple answer- “because some people make it happen, while others wait for it to happen” or just “wish it would happen”. Successful people have one thing in common; they choose to make it happen. The road they all take will be different and the destination is different. The vehicle they all use is the same. That vehicle is “commitment”. They all have an unwavering desire and commitment to succeed.

When you are fully committed, there is nothing that will stop you from achieving your goals. Part of commitment is learning how to deal with setbacks or so called “failure”. I use that word loosely because I don’t see failure as most people see failure. I see failure as a result. If you launched a marketing campaign and you received no business from it, don’t view it as a “failure”, view it as the “result” of the marketing campaign.

Life Changing Decisions

At the age of 44, in an effort to lead a more “balanced” lifestyle, I decided to take up horses. I always loved the idea of “loving horses”, however, I was extremely afraid of horses. At this later stage in life, learning something new does not come as easy as it does when you are a teenager or even in your 20’s. Add on learning something that takes coordination and athleticism and the fear factor just tripled, which makes learning 50 times harder. Why I thought horses would be a great idea is still a mystery.

I ventured out to a friends ranch to get acquainted with horses. I would not say I was “paralyzed” with fear because I discovered I could run 20 feet quicker than I had ever moved in my life the moment a horse looked at me or moved six inches. I was indeed afraid of EVERYTHING. However, I was determined and committed to learning how to ride. In fact, I actually set a goal to compete in “cowboy challenges”. A cowboy challenge is an event that has obstacle courses for horses. Most horses are afraid of nearly everything and not all horses can compete in these challenges.

My Commitment

I would get to work a few hours early so I could end my day early. I would drive 20 miles one way to the ranch and stay there for 1-4 hours a night in 100° plus weather. When I was not riding, I was asking questions. When I was not asking questions, I was shoveling horse manure. When I was not doing that, I was learning about saddles and reins, and when I was not doing that I was listening to stories from others about their horse experiences. I would get home between 7-9 pm each night and then I would eat and watch horse training videos and read articles online. I was fully committed.

A Challenge

After 11 months of my horse experience I decided I was going to participate in a reined cow horse clinic. This is a class that introduces you into herding cows on your horse. The horse I was riding was billed as a very experienced cow horse. I was beyond excited and more than confident. During my run something unexpected happened. It was like my horse hit an invisible electrical force field and she bounced off of it lunging forwards, backwards, sideways and bucking all at the same time. I was launched off of her and sailed through the air slamming my body onto the ground.

When Reaching Your Goal is More Important Than the Fear of Whatever is Holding You Back

Remarkably, my first words as I stood up were, “Did you get all of that on video and can I have my cowgirl card now?” I simply got up, dusted myself off and rode my other horse. I successfully worked a cow for a few minutes and called it a day. There was never a question in my mind if I was going to get back in the saddle that day; I just did it. It’s only now that I am writing this article, a whole 30-days later. I realized my biggest fear in my horse adventure happened that day. I focused on being brave and tough instead of being terrified of getting back on that I did not even notice I experienced my biggest fear. It was more important to me that this was captured on video so I could learn from it and apply the knowledge to help me achieve my goals than it was to dwell in fear, or cry about how scary it was and quit.

Moving ForwardShell-and-Luke1

This last week I bought a new horse and I took him to a competition this weekend. This competition was the first of three competitions in a buckle series. This means if you compete in all 3 events, and if you get more points than anyone else, you win a belt buckle. A trophy and an accessory all in one; what girl doesn’t want one? If I want to have any chance in winning this buckle, I had to compete in this weekend’s event. I compete in the novice division. Every person who knew I was competing on a new horse could not believe I would even attempt this event. In fact, the longest I had ever ridden him was during the event. So, I give it my all. While it was far from perfect, I was elated. I “showed up”. I came in 5th out of 5 participants, but I felt like I came in 1st place. I looked at this event as experience and an assessment of how my horse was going to react and how I would handle it. What is even better is I now have a plan of what we need to work on.

When Others Create Circumstances Beyond Your Control , It’s Time to Up Your Game

I realize that setting a goal to win a buckle series, as a first time competitor may seem out of reach for most people. I, however, believe it is possible. This weekend I watched the other competitors in my class and it was extremely apparent they were not “novices”. They literally ran through the course as I was walking or trotting. Their horses flew over the obstacles while mine walked. Most people at this point would give up. They would realize the other people are way more experienced and there is no chance of competing on this level. I could go that route but honestly it’s not my style. The next event in the series is only six weeks away. I have to up my skill set considerably in order to be competitive. My goals are so crystal clear to me that not even being bucked off a horse will stop me from achieving them.

How Does This All Relate to Your Life or Business?

Life happens. It’s how you react to it that makes life much easier. With your life, or your business, be sure you are choosing to react to circumstances as positively as you can. Take time to learn the lessons your experiences are trying to teach you.

Develop a clear plan to achieve your goal. Then you work on it and make it all happen. If a roadblock appears, you don’t quit. You simply address the roadblock. Be creative and figure out what needs to happen to remove the roadblock. Commitment means figuring it out and being willing to do what you need to do to remove the roadblock.

Understand fully that achieving success in whatever venue you seek is possible, if you are fully committed. In fact, if you are 100% committed and working towards your goals, it is more probable than possible that you will achieve your goals. Realize that making a commitment and working to achieve success is usually more than what your competition is doing at any given time. When you become fully committed, you are in the game and you have an instant edge because achieving your goal is inevitable.

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