Three Simple Changes to Help You Grow Your Business and Eliminate Frustration

Shell BrodnaxAs a business coach and professional motivational speaker, I see people unknowingly creating big roadblocks or brick walls that prevent them from reaching their goals. They are negative language, lack of passion and pure frustration. All have the simplest solutions.

Negative Language

Negative language is used so often it actually starts to convince you of all the reasons of why you can’t accomplish your goal.

The most common threads I hear are:

  • I can’t get any new business.
  • I have tried everything.
  • I can’t convince people to buy, or do business with me.
  • I don’t know what to do; I am so frustrated, I think I should just give up.

My answers are always:

  • You are right. You can’t get new business if you think you can’t.
  • No, you have not tried everything. I know this because you are using negative language when you talk about your business.
  • You are right; you can’t convince people to buy from you if you think you can’t.
  • If you are thinking about giving up, you have already given up.


1. Change Your Language, Change Your Life.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to eliminate negative thinking and language from you way of life. You have to be willing and fully committed to changing the words you use to describe what is happening in your life. Every time you state, “I can’t get anyone to hire me”, it takes 20 times of saying, “the next client is around the corner” to overcome the negative thoughts you are putting into path of success.

If you are struggling with getting new clients, change your words and change your thoughts to positive words and thoughts. The moment a negative thought comes into your mind, you must replace it with a positive thought. It can be challenging, but it will become a habit. You may need to “make room” for the positive thoughts by kicking the negative thoughts out of your mind. The next time a negative thought comes into your mind, say to yourself “get out of my head!” Say it 50, 100, or 500 times if you need to. After saying this for a while you may even start to laugh at yourself for doing this. As soon as you do, you will realize the negative thought is gone and you can move forward. Eventually the number of times you say this will get lower and it will become second nature. Sometimes the smallest changes make the most impact. Eliminating negative speech and thoughts from our daily patterns will create serious changes to your business.

2. Speak with Passion and Acquire New Clients.

People won’t do business with you just because you have something they want. They will do business with you because they believe you. They believe what you offer will solve their need. The next time you are in a situation to speak to a future client, try speaking to them as if you are friends. When you are speaking to your friends about your business you typically speak with passion. Your voice is elevated, you may use your hands, you are smiling and most importantly you are delivering your message with pure conviction. When you are able to deliver your message with conviction and passion to every potential client, your business will increase significantly.

3. Frustration Begins When Knowledge Ends.

If you are struggling with a particular aspect of business it is most likely because you lack sufficient knowledge in that area. Simply put, if you are frustrated, you most likely lack knowledge.

If a part of your business is causing you frustration it is imperative for you to immediately assess if this is an area I can learn to master or can it be outsourced or delegated. Spending time working on an area of your business when you are not fully capable of doing an amazing job is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. If you lack the knowledge to complete a task you will know it because you will be frustrated. Deal with this frustration quickly and decisively. If it is an area that you actually need to become proficient at, then seek education so you can become proficient. If it can be outsourced or delegated, do it quickly so you can free up the time you would have wasted being frustrated and focus that time and energy in other areas of the business that will bring you the most return.

By making simple and small changes to these three areas, you should see a remarkable improvement in business. These changes will become part of how you operate your business and it becomes easier and easier to keep up with these new approaches.



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