Joanne Lenart Weary and Sandra Racz Speaking at RESACON2016


JoAnn Lenart-Weary The Power of Color – On a Space & In Your Business

Face it, color is the root of everything when we decorate or stage a space. Beautiful sofa, check. Wonderful art, check. But mix it with colors that don’t appeal, uncheck everything you did right. Color is personal and powerful. The years of staging rooms devoid of color are gone…thank goodness but you need a deft hand to delight not detract. Join color expert, JoAnne Lenart-Weary for a look at how you can be a color hero, not a color zero.

Connect with Joanne Lenart-Weary


Sandra Racz Decorating in the Zone for Selling and Dwelling

Yes, we get it, staging is not decorating. BUT, you better have a strong understanding of solid design principles to make a room look fabulous. The placement of furniture, the sight lines in a space, the impact of line, shape and form can all impact not only the visual reaction to a space but also the emotional reaction.

Attendees will receive:
• Workshop Handout
• Five most common placement templates

Connect with Sandra Racz
