Marketing Management Resources

Are you an expert or just another merchant?

Marketing Management ResourcesWith the always changing economy it is more important to find ways to market to your client base.  All of your clients know you are there, they know where you are located etc. Have you ever thought about why they come back to you?

Let’s use an example of the local butcher vs. the large grocery store.  Large grocery stores have about everything you need. They certainly have a large selection in the meat department. Time is a very important commodity in our busy lives; most people do not want to go to the grocery store for some items but then go to their local butcher for others.

I will tell you why I do go to the grocery store for my main items and my butcher for the meat items. My butcher is an “expert”. Let me explain. During the holidays my inner “Martha” comes out with a vengeance.  This year was our first year in our new home and our first opportunity to entertain for the holidays. It was very important for me to have amazing food.  While I am quite good at cooking, I need a great product to begin with.

Thanksgiving rolled around and of course I have the same questions everyone typically has, is free-range turkey better than traditional Butterball turkeys?  I always ask at my local large chain grocery store and I really never seem to get “expert, passionate” advice. They really never seem to think much about anything we ask nor do they care. This year a new meat company popped up in my small town.  It’s called TW Meat Company.  It’s a very quaint small shop in a town of less than 8,000. The owners are very nice and if you come in often they get to know your name.  It’s like the “Cheers” of meat products.

I asked about turkeys and I get great answers.  Not only do they help me pick the right turkey, the right weight for the people I need to feed, they give me the time and temperature to cook etc.  It was the best turkey we have ever had.

So, Christmas comes around and I decide I am having a “Food Network” Christmas.  All Food Network recipes.  Paula Dean Crème Brule, Martha Stewart Cranberry Sauce etc. I decided to get ambitious and I really want to “do it up” and I am going to cook Prime Rib.   So, I have no idea what I am doing. I run down to TW Meat Co. and ask them if they sell Prime Rib. Of course they do!!! They again, helped with portion size, weight, etc. They even pre-season it and give me the times and temperature to cook it.  TW Meat Co. made the extra effort to become the “expert” when they very well could have just sold it to me and told me to Google a recipe.  By them becoming the “expert” they made me look like a world class Chef to my family. We had the most memorable and tasty Christmas dinner.

So, what does this mean for all of us in business for ourselves? Do you want to just sell meat? Or do you want to be the meat expert?  Which is more valuable to your customers?  Do your customers view you as an expert? By becoming the expert you give your customers more value.

Becoming the expert tips:

  1. Know your product and services inside out.
  2. Get to know your customers. People want to do business with people they like and they feel they can trust.
  3. Have a website that has a blog and write articles that give helpful insightful information.
  4. Set up RSS Feeds on your site and do a newsletter.
  5. Use fusion marketing (cross promotion)
  6. Be passionate about what you do.

Becoming the expert to your customers is priceless. Bring value to what you offer and keep your customers for life.

© 2009 Shell Brodnax, ShellBelle, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shell Brodnax is a business coach and consultant specializing in marketing, brand development and customer retention. 209-623-5809

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